
Today's Cool Site

How do you discover new music? If you're like most people, you probably rely on the radio or television to find new music artists.

Or, you may use listening stations in record stores. But that's a hit-or-miss approach – you'll have to wade through a lot of music you don't like!

Well, developers have been working on software to help you find new music. You start by specifying a song or musician that you like. The software analyzes elements in the music. It matches patterns to other music in its database.

At Pandora, you can give it a try and see if this kind of software works for you. It creates your own personal playlist, so you can hear the recommendations in their entirety.

Music has always been something that stirs deep emotion so this isn't an exact science but it's a good place to start in maybe finding something new that you didn't know existed.


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