
I'm Brian Eno

Here's a fun little quiz to see which 70s glam rocjer you are. There aren't many answers to choose from but it's still kind of fun. It will be interesting to see some of your results. Here are my results:

You're a little reclusive maybe, a little quieter than most people...
But man, who needs outside entertainment when your brain is like KABOOM all the time? You are innovative, creative, and intelligent. You dress flamboyantly, gravitating towards large feathers and tinsel. Everyone respects you, and looks up to you. We are not worthy, we are not worthy...

Which rad old school 70's glam icon are you?


Deb said...

Thank goodness I like Roxy Music, I got the same result.

Tom said...

I am Lou Reed..

Sometimes you come off as an asshole, but that's what makes you cool.
